@User12261990 We need to know how we got graced with such a lyrical miracle having you around

What do you want to dive in on -
Just picked up some JB vinyls!Definetly add "The Seperation" if you can find it on vinyl. The colors and whole feel of the album really expand the discography IMO
What artists collaboration with Jon bellion would be sick?Need some JB mixing with Quinn XCII, AJR and some Hozier would explode my eardrums
So much love if we get a surprise co-op like this
Most Outrageous Jon Lyric?Not so outrageous, but still one of my faves
"There's bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway"
Just shows how far love can go.
Much Love
This is BM social media@User12261990 I love your connection to your people Jon, this is an amazing comeback. Here for whatever comes our way!
Much love
How Did Yall Discover Jon?@BeastPigSweg How the hell am I looking in a mirror through a computer screen lol
This was definitely me back in 2018
Much love!
2024 Recap VideoThis is so wholesome! Awesome video!
Much love to your family and friends
Where is everyone from?Albany NY
Merch Question!What kind of merch is everyone looking forward to at the next show? Anything from music to clothes to a water bottle.
Anything you dream, project it here!Much Love
Answer 2 Questions!So much I could choose, but if I had to make a decision...
- Guillotine (although "Blu (acoustic)" and "Eyes to the Sky" come in a close second)
- "Holy" from Bieber is such a soothing song to me (and the entirety of "The Album" by the Jonas Brothers and "Justice" from Bieber are all amazing)
Looking back on it now, never realized how much Jon B teams up with the JB artists lol
Much love
JB my therapistI completely agree. Whenever I was at my all time low or the world pushed me down, his music saved and inspired me. Best of luck from here my friend, you deserve it
Much love
Cove City DVD Mockup@ccgulaskey Same with me! I need Cove City and all of it's songs played on my wedding day. Here's to hoping for a release
Much love
jon bellion is the reason i'm graduating college this springLove his inspiration, and I'm glad it rubbed off onto you. Best of luck in your future my friend!
Much love
Jon Bellion artwork bookMy all time favorite art set for an album. The team was incredible with the style and cohesion of it all. Major props and I would love to get some kind of merch that had all the art like that. Still love that I get to see it in my CD release!
Much love
A Classic"The Seperation" on vinyl! Was so happy when my love got this for me for Christmas. The off white vinyl flows so well with the color scheme, and of course the songs on this entire album are amazing. Such a great item to have on display, one of my faves
Much love
WOOOHOOOOHow's life Jon?
This is BM social mediaStarted listening in 2017, "All Time Low" awoke something, and absorbing all of your discography has been incredible. Most played artist, favorite artist and song writer of all time, a true artist in his craft. I play your songs multiple times a day everyday, they hook me so much.
Stay fire, Jon! Much love
Thank You!I've shown Jon to my girlfriend and she fell in love just like I did when I was back in high school. The love he makes with his music is incredible. Much love and prosperity for your family
A Note for JonThis seems crazy that my favorite artist and songwriter of all time reappears and brings us as a fan base together. Jon, you are truly incredible and your music has changed my life and let me know that people create true art with their songs. Just know when we get that concert, me and my love will be there ("2 Rocking Chairs" is definitely playing at our wedding), and I would love the ability to shake your hand, and to thank you for the amazing art and songs you have made. You are an inspiration to me and many others, all the way back in high school when I started with "All Time Low" and realized how incredible your message is. Keep the power flowing.
Wield the Weapon of Truth
Much love
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALSSo hyped for this right now. It doesn't seem real