Jim Morrison I wanna be in the venue and go crazy with everyone

Songs you'd love to hear live? -
Jon,I’m so happy you’re back. Like man, I cried happy tears when the Kid Again video loop played, I looked crazy at the bday party but I don't care. It’s been a privilege to witness your creativity, growth & strength, I've been hooked since 2014 when I saw Simple and Sweet MV. I’d ask how you come out with a banger every time, but I already know. It’s cause you’re genuine, talented, kind, a million other things it's cause you don’t back down. You’re a visionary who could be in his own league, but you choose to open up to trust your friends/family & create art together.
I want to say thank you Jon. You’ve gotten me through bad times. So thank you for not only sharing your art but your passion & soul. You shine a light in the darkness. It's impossible to count how many you’ve helped, but I know that list will keep growing.
Can’t wait to see what comes next, I already know it’s gonna be beautiful, and this time I’m finally making it to a show.
A fan who also has the attention span of a child or a fly -
Song that's resonated with you more deeply as you've gotten older? -
CDs? Or am I trippin?@User12261990 I’m so down for Vinyls. I need to build up my collection what better way than with some JB masterpieces
Glad You're Back &Thank you JonAlso, @User12261990 can we please get Cove City Live, I'm begging man.
What Jon Bellion lyric hit you the hardest?For me its in the background of 'Lets Begin' you can hear him say "light travels at a rate of 186 thousand miles per second...then what's the speed of darkness". I remember having to repeat the line over and over, it just made me think. Plus the beat kicking in after is heavenly.
If you're wondering what the time in the song it is, its 3:34. It's engraved in my mind man and I love it.