Hey Jon. Been a fan since THC. Once I heard that album, I dove deep in Definition, Separation and TTS. Your music got me through many moments of feeling alone and not being good enough. The sound of all of your songs always had me groovin’ and I always felt something behind the lyrics and behind the beat. I’m more of a person that listens to beats so the multiple listenings for your lyrics were appreciated. Your albums kept me grounded and acted as my anchor to home when I went on a military deployment in early 2018. Coming home to GSP was so fucking cool. Coming back home to new Jon Bellion music is legit the best feeling. I never got to see you live. I came home from that deployment feeling lost. Again, I used your music as my anchor to balancing myself out. I don’t know what it was. Fast forward a few years, I broke up with my at-the-time girlfriend and used all of your music and Quinn XCII’s music to keep me anchored in keeping a level head. Bringing you to now, I’m in the healthiest relationship I’ve ever been in and I’m still here. Me and my current girlfriend listen to you in every car ride and every time we clean the house. I guess there’s no real point to this post. I just wanted to virtually thank you for the music. Thank you for keeping me going. My girlfriend and I are looking forward to your new album and possible tour.
