@Isaac thank you and it’s definitely my passion. I’m not taking commissions at the moment- I used to but I took time off because life is busyyyy.

Guillotine -
Guillotine@GabbyW0205 drew this one two years ago, it’s inspired by JB (Good in Me) and Anberlin (Breaking). And mixed in there are a lot of images/themes that I like to explore in my illustrations. I love giving imagery to stories and songs. This one and the Guillotine drawing are digital but I’ve got quite a few that are pen and ink on paper!
PROD@User12261990 YES! We've got to be okay to sit in the tension and the nuance. Really looking forward to hearing the way you've crafted this new album and all the growth behind it. Is it concept/flow start to finish or more of each track standing on its own?
PROD@User12261990 so stoked. Grew up listening to a blend of everything- the Pretenders, Elton John, Fleetwood, Journey, Blink, gospel and worship, 80s rock- you name it. My parents loved music and they passed that on. The future that isn’t rooted in tradition becomes anchor-less. Doesn’t mean we don’t work hard to refine the shortcomings and heal that generational trauma but we can’t just throw it all out and act like it doesn’t matter. And I love this focus on fathers- something my husband and I explore a lot as we navigate our roles as parents, individually and as a team. Can’t wait to hear that articulated musically and lyrically. And I’m sure you have a fresh perspective having kids. They re-invigorated my creativity because theirs is limitless.
PROD@User12261990 Semisonic reference with the sonic, oasis, and wonderwall nod on IG? Love a good throwback
Can’t wait to listen- probably a stunning mix of old and new.
I feel like most of us are in our 20s lol ...@carolynashley me either!
GuillotineThanks everyone! I'm thinking of doing another- maybe Conversations with my Wife? It's my husbands favorite JB song. I have other illustrations I'm working on but I figured I'd get another one into the concept stage...
Guillotine@GabbyW0205 I’m not a musician, but I often find myself inspired by music, lyrics, and the way music feels/the emotions it evokes. It kinda plays into all of my illustrations. I’ve been slow drawing the past few years but hoping to do more in 2025!
Jon Bellion Art Collab – Let’s Create Together!@GabbyW0205 thank you
Guillotine“There’s bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway”
I’ve been wanting to do a Guillotine inspired drawing for a while. Finally sat down and did it. On the surface it’s fan art inspired by some of my favorite Bellion lyrics. And diving deep, it’s about knowing I’m still worthy of love even with a traumatic past and mental health struggles. May leave it, may add more and refine it. But it’s here now and I wanted to share!
Jon Bellion Art Collab – Let’s Create Together!@KjellyBean finally finished my little doodle
not sure if this is the final but it’s here for now! Guillotine in my style. Inspired by the lyrics, unpacking my own skeletons, and my awesome husband who is here for the ride through it all. And some references to past JB album art, of course.
Working on this record….@User12261990 so stoked
Jon Bellion Art Collab – Let’s Create Together!@KjellyBean I'll definitely share it when it's done! Working on the composition right now and I'm really loving how it's coming together. Are you working on anything?
Jon Bellion Art Collab – Let’s Create Together!@KjellyBean I really like the line “there’s bones in my closet, but you hang stuff anyway” . I had this little imagine in my mind and I finally wanted to get it on paper. What songs inspire you the most?
Jon Bellion Art Collab – Let’s Create Together!@KjellyBean I’m drawing digitally for this piece
️ Yeah, it’d be cool to have some kind of gallery!
Jon Bellion Art Collab – Let’s Create Together!@KjellyBean I’m working on a Guillotine inspired piece!
Where is everyone from? -
Where is everyone from? -
God and creatingI absolutely love this question. My faith has always been interwoven with my creativity because I feel like it’s my gifting from God. I love to process what I’ve experienced in life through drawing and painting. And I really enjoying listening to music, looking at art, and reading things that inspire me further. But I would say that it’s not a sanitized or safe “church” art. It’s wrestling with my inner demons, processing the loss of a sibling, walking a fine line between the spiritual and the here and now- and since becoming a mom, the struggling of fiercely wanting to protect but knowing that I’m going to have to someday let go. It’s woven through everything and to not create would be to betray who I am at my core. Typed I realized that sounds super intense but for me, it’s so fundamental.
One of my older drawings- back from before life was busy. Working to get back to a more consistent time for drawing and dreaming.
Lego THC cover