@User12261990 ahhh absolutely 🫶🫶
This is BM social media -
This is BM social mediaMy friend Angel introduced me to your music YEARS AGO. before human condition released. He was going through a rough break up and showed me “All time low.” It was such an amazing sound to me and i instantly fell in love and had to check you out.
We were so excited when you announced tour dates!! I been blessed to meet you at meet and greet about 3 of the 5 times i saw you live!
ugh the very first time i met you i felt bad we took a selfie and i adjusted the camera and i just wanted the perfect picture and i hate myself for it, jon im sorry!!!anyways i went to see you Human Condition pt. I-III! and got to see you 2 times for GSP. i was able to buy my friend a ticket for that last show in Baltimore and it felt like a full circle moment.
I even got my brother hooked on your music and my cousin!!The way you perform live is a magical experience and was super blessed to experience you live 5 times! i know theres other fans who go to every show and i cant do that but i’ll gladly take what i can do!!
Jon we just love you
WOOOHOOOOwould you consider releasing an acoustic album? how about a rock or alternative album? your range is amazing and cant wait to see what you show us!!!