@User12261990 Hey Jon, I'm happy to see this blog and excited to be here! This is a truly perfect way to interact with you. I love all the positive feedback that people are giving you. I wanted to go down memory lane and share with you, and everyone here, an experience from a concert in Houston, Tx. So Jon did this activity in a "backstage" sort of thing where he had 30-ish people in first and he went out into the room with us and started chatting and sharing some new music. And he also picked some people to share some creative talent and I was lucky enough to be picked! He goes on to ask me what's the creative thing that I do and I told him that I rap (or try to). Then he asks me if I would like to rap something for the group, and with my stomach almost giving up on me I say yes! So Mylon Hayde brings out a peruvian cajon and starts giving me a beat. I start spitting some bars and Jon jumps on and starts beat boxing with us! It was insane! To this day I still think I dreamt it all lol But no, I asked my brother the next day and he told me "no dude, it really happened" hahaha we weren't allowed to film or take pictures in the backstage event :c Jon, if you by any chance have pictures or videos of this, man, you would make my year! And i'ts only February! The concert was on June 29th, 2019.