@User12261990 Would absolutely travel to get to see you in person again. Always dreamed of getting to a show in NY I just know those are on another level.
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨ -
Best Jon Show ?Got to see Jon on Halloween in 2016 in Lawrence, KS. Front row and it was absolutely incredible. Walked away with the drumsticks from that show.
This is BM social media@User12261990 I first listened to Jon's music in 2015 when I was a senior in high school and I've been a massive fan ever since. Been to 3 concerts in person and had a chance to meet and take some photos with Jon in 2016. He is still the best live performer I have ever seen and am super excited for the possibility to get to see him in concert again. Got tons of merch and still have GSP admission ticket so excited to see what comes of that. Discovered Lawrence when they opened for Jon and absolutely love them. Everything Jon has a hand in I have enjoyed and at this point he really is a huge role model for me. I love how authentic he is and I'm just really excited to be here and can't wait to get to experience everything he has in store for us. He just needed saving from himself.