It was sweet while it lasted. Hopefully they start bringing back those additional templates, would be a cool way for jon to tease some of his future album/single covers

Old icons? -
Old_Art || 9_28_2020 -
snake eyes -
Only 20 upvotes per day is a bit limiting@BeautifulMind Tried to upvote this... will try again tomorrow XD LOL
Thanks to the team for being amazing though, this forum is a work of art and they should be proud of it, there's so many features already built in that haven't even been fully rolled out, I am super excited for the future
Father -
Spotify listenersSupposedly I was in the top .005% at 8,736 min of just jon, and I considered myself as taking a break last year compared to years prior lol. Love his music!
Rewards?? -
Yah back in control (post 3/3) -
Most Outrageous Jon Lyric? -
Album update PLEASE@Abigail612 exactly how I feel. This past week has felt like 6 months frfr
Fall into your BLU -
Girl Named Summertime Feature - Brandyn BurnetteWhat is ya'lls thoughts on this song? I only recently had it pushed to me from spotify, (even though it was released in like 2012??). I love the lyrics, and the rhythm, but the moaning in my ear got very uncomfortable very quickly for me once I realized what it was. Jon does such a good job in it, curious on what you guys think. Have you heard it?
Add a chat function? -
The Separation Tattoo -
Will there be a making of documentary for this album similar to the one for GSP?Praying there is. I believe he said that the documentaries are super impromptu, and so hopefully we get to see some of the making of, just like with Kid Again
“Beautiful Mind” Colored Pencil Drawing@Derrian-Berry The art museum still has it?? I bet it is one of their best then
Snake Competitive League SCL ($5.32 Grand Prize) -
A graphic system inspired by KID AGAIN -
Favorite Jon Produced/Written Song?One that always pops into my head is trumpets, mostly bc I always remember right as soon as the chorus hits and have to tell everybody about his involvement LOL
New York soul pt.ii - tattoo@keegangough Wow, how people have the talent to not only draw this, but draw this onto somebody is insane to me. Super well done!!