Bruh, you don't need jon you got it yourself keep kicking it and spitting it and people will follow. Did you see the half time show at the super bowl?
Mac Miller + Jon Collab Could of Been Perfection@Djavan, you ever make music? I suck but love making beats and rapping/singing. If you ever wanna make something for fun hit me up. My rap game is about as good as my golf game (sucks ass) but it's still fun and I enjoy it! Haha
Mac Miller + Jon Collab Could of Been PerfectionAmen!! Thanks for commenting, I love that you share this same thought!!! Let's gooo Jon and long live Mac Miller the illiest most dope boiii out there. We miss and love you.
Issue/ErrorMy phone's working great now, just give it 5-10 min once you create your account. Probably something to do with authentication tokens on the backend.
Development vids!!Amen to that
I'll take it.I can't get past 3 hahahaha
What anime you watching???One piece is the best all the way
Issue/ErrorIt seems to let me comment now and everything but I'm on my phone I'll try my computer in the AM, thx to those who replied!
Red RocksBruh how rich r u to "sell it out yourself"????? Hahahaha red rocks ain't cheap
Ripped Live Concert PosterI know you probably still won't see this. But I sent this to your IG in 2021 and never got a response. Still love you no matter what but it hurts a little. The poster means a lot to me and I still have it hanging even tho it's ripped.
Mac Miller + Jon Collab Could of Been PerfectionU like Mac Miller @Jon? @everyone else? Mac and you are my idols and would of loved to see y'all collab. #ripmac
Issue/ErrorI'm trying to comment on posts but it won't let me, says invalid token. Also when I upvoted says already up voted but I just created the account