It's "Sohil" on all platforms if you're interested in checking out any of my stuff!
It's been 10 years -
It's been 10 yearsI've taken SO much inspiration from you as a musician Jon. My buddy showed me your work when I was in college and it soundtracked a good chunk of my time in school and my first couple years in the 'real world.' I've been a vocalist, guitarist, and songwriter since I was 9 years old and have been steadily upping my craft for 20+ years. When you were introduced to me, it revealed another layer of music that I hadn't yet dabbled in and my drums have never been the same since haha. My rhythms are purposely pocketed and not quantized, my melodies are stronger and more heartfelt, and my lyrics have a specificity in them that I see in a lot of your stuff. I'm my own artist and I believe I make great music, but you've had a huge impact on me sonically and I for real just wanted to say thank you and I hope to one day work with you or at least meet you in person to tell you myself. Can't wait for your new work, I hope it will inspire me in the same way I was 10 years ago. Thanks Jon!