@Flakes @User12261990
did i win?

Snake Competitive League SCL ($5.32 Grand Prize) -
The Human Condition VinylI was the first(second after Jon) post last time in the merch section before the remade the site. If u are wondering where u can get this vinyl they sell it on discogs and amazon. I heard that discogs is better just make sure the seller has good reviews and confirm the condition rating is what you want.
Hand of God outroI feel like the Hand of God outro is probably the best outro I ever heard. The way it ties in the lyrics from every song from the album is so cool. I feel like that's what the outro is meant to do, tie everything together. The choir and soulful vibe at the end was really powerful. Love that song. Also the last thing you hear on Hand of God is the same beep you hear in the start of the first song of the album(he is the same). It comes full circle and seamlessly loops.
The Definition vinyl is really expensive and hard to findIt seems to usually sell for around $150. All the listings of like $30 are out of stock or on back order. This is the only one I could find on discogs currently lol. I want to collect all his albums on vinyl but this one makes it difficult.
Lady Fortuna NecklaceHe should drop a necklace with a lady fortuna pendant. I'm pretty sure lady fortuna is the logo for the beutiful mind project. Btw this pic is from his instagram.
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALS@User12261990 I love the woodstock song. It's underrated
The Human Condition Vinyleven the artwork on the songs within the album are amazing
Answer 2 Questions!@Jefferson-M I really love hand of God
monster by eminem but if that doesnt count then maybe ghost by justin idk -
CDs? Or am I trippin?@User12261990 I would really like the vinyl tbh
The Human Condition Vinyl@HZTL really nice photos man
"The Definition" on Vinylseems to go for around $150-200 now. its probably hard to find. there is one on discogs but its $300 and not good condition so I don't think thats a fair price at all. I'm not entirely sure the best place to find it but discogs has sold 3 in the past 2 months so maybe you just have to keep an eye out on these reseller sites before someone else gets to it. You can probably call and ask your local record stores and see if they have it. Also u can post on reddit like in the vinyl forums and see if they can offer advice.
also I found another one on sale right now for $200 from depop. its 2 years old tho so I don't even know if the seller is still selling it or keeping up with his account. Also it only has 2 pictures and he doesnt have many reviews so u can't be too sure of the quality of it unless u contacted him more I guess.
Vinyls@K4590c love how theyre hung up