@CasperAaron this is actually really funny. I first came across Jon on the radio in high school. All Time Low was obviously the radio hit that I came across, and figured I'd listen to the rest of the album. At first I only liked a few of the songs. But after listening to it while at work I really grew to liking it. After a while I've grown to really appreciate the musical genius and lyricism in all his music.

How did y’all discover Jon’s music? -
What artists collaboration with Jon bellion would be sick?Okay, honestly...... Enya.
Having grown up listening to Enya, their two voices are both so angelic, I can't imagine it being anything but absolutely heavenly. And I feel like their voices would blend so well! -
BEST JON BELLION LINE?@its_nat07 this quickly became one of my favorite songs after listening deeper to the lyrics. There's a reason that last line is my signature on this forum
changed my life