Definitely in a JB Mood always but also in my feels so An Immigrant, Guillotine and Waves of Loneliness have been major listens, Definitely relistening to JID a lot and The Weeknd if anyone has any recommendations always will take new music

How we holding up? -
Mr.BellionI'm taking such a long shot in the dark but @User12261990 I may have posted about this before but I wanted to make a topic for another shot, I am dying to get your signature to finish off my tattoo it was my first ever one so ill die for some signed merch.
Rap?@Santi9924 Imagine the feature list my goodness that would be legendary
we're waiting now
"The Definition" on Vinyl@slowslothz It seems to be they're not on amazon at all anymore, still the same Barcode Numbers I just gave mine a look and they all play so I assume eBay or Discogs is the only option unless someone has a different place to find em
MERCH CHECK IN@User12261990
a vinyl right also mr bellion
Rap? -
Make a song called βThe ForumβAn absolute genius idea but also sample the noises to Snake and make a song out of that from scratch LOL
what really gets you up in the morning?Living life, making changes that are scary but also unlock different chapters, I've grown as a person since the last year and in the only way I can explain it is one change for me recently has made me want a billion other things and that gives me drive.
Making Of SeriesI definitely would love to see a return to this series and I hope Jon see's this and gives it a return for this album because seeing your brain work is like watching a mad scientist and its beautiful, I've already commented this but being 12 and watching him work and seeing the finest of details in everything music and made me appreciate it more going to look at different artists in different genres from Thelonious Monk to Steely Dan literally I could be listing musicians for absolute years, I'm curious to if anyone has any stories of the series how it changed how you see music or your music taste in general.
Jon Bellion Inspired me to make musicSee THIS is what I call god damn soul music that was a beautiful read what music is on the list for Sam Keown?
This a DBZ Finding out next time situation?
Jon Bellion collab wishlist -
WOOOHOOOO@User12261990 If you're dropping anything of some sorts say an album what is your favourite track no name just the number and thank you for making this forum, its beautiful to watch everyone interact and show how much love we have for you and you deserve it because your music is timeless i'm saying this here if I ever see you in person ill say the exact words (probably more cause ill yap and be excited)
Jon Bellion collab wishlist100% I'd have to say since I love him also Anderson Paak, I'd kill to be in a room or a fly on the wall to watch those guys cook something up.
"The Definition" on VinylHonestly, unsure where you could find this nowadays I remember that I bought all my records off Amazon at the time so unsure where you could even get most of them nowadays to be honest, Best thing I could recommend is going on eBay make sure you check the barcode / barcode number for everything you purchase using Discogs 100% would be your best bet also to check the barcode numbers and reference, I hope you find it and wish you luck!
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@BeautifulMind 100% Superman, The Gift and The Curse literally need more of that from Jon
Members of the Beautiful Mind TeamFully second the Blaque Keyz, I'd love to hear them make more songs cause For The Dreamers is a banger
How Did Yall Discover Jon?So it was originally through Visionary Music Group very much early doors kind of thing seeing the music video to The Wonder Years and the Making Of series he did (if he sees this please bring this back it is beautiful to watch you at work) but just followed since then, It has gone from collecting all the records of his albums to a tattoo, Unfortunately I've missed out on seeing him live which is probably the most frustrating thing due to work and nothing is stopping me from seeing him now.
Tour Stop Wishlist β¨