I remember when I was in eighth grade I was super into Call of Duty and FaZe clan, and they started using songs like Luxury and Jungle in their vlogs. I've been hooked ever since
When did you discover Jon? -
what song do you show ppl first?I found Jon in 2014 when The Definition came out, and I was super into rap when I met my wife in 2018, but she only really listened to pop, country, and showtunes. I showed her Guillotine and she was hooked. We finally found an artist that produces music we're both enamored by.
what song do you show ppl first?I found Jon in 2014 when The Definition came out, and I was super into rap when I met my wife in 2018, but she only really listened to pop, country, and showtunes. I showed her Guillotine and she was hooked. We finally found an artist that produces music we're both enamored by.