the one where Jon Bellion says “It’s Jon Bellionin’ time!” and starts Jon Bellioning all over the place.

What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Music Video? -
Midwest show?unlikely you’ll see this Jon but I just want you to be aware that you got a buncha starving fans here in the Midwest. Would like to see you come around here again some time. We all can’t wait to see what you’ve been cooking up
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨@User12261990 I would love to but unfortunately I don’t a lot of the community (including myself) could afford it ¯_(ツ)_/¯ it would be great thing for sure but it would be nice to have a tour so everyone can feel the music.
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨ -
MERCH CHECK INAyyyye what kinda prices can we expect for new merch? fully prepared to drop my whole wallet lmao
A couple JB posters I made in graphic design class <3 enjoy -
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALSI became a fan of you wayy after you went quiet on socials. I just want you to know that your music is so captivating that even with zero new songs or anything I still got so into yo music. That’s a special thing, and not too many artists can do that. You’re special Jon and thanks for being our inspiration.