@thanhthumb This is so freaking crazy, because I remember being in freshman year, in my free period and playing "Jungle" for my best friend... we really have no unique experiences LOL.
How Did You Find JB? -
How Did You Find JB?No way! So, I actually was stalking my crush on FB, and saw where he told another girl he liked Jon. Needless to say I went and looked him up, and learned all his music just to impress the boy. The boy and I were walking to the park one day, I whipped out my phone played, "All Time Low" and said something along the lines of, "Have you ever heard of this guy???" Needless to say, the boy fell in love with me and now our song is "Guillotine." @kinsler.jake Now here we are 12 years later, both on this website lol!