hii! a while back i searched everywhere online one by one for that vinyl and found a place that had some in stock! you can try looking up vinyl shops in your area or anywhere in the states!

Searching for 'The Definition' on Vinyl -
Making Ofs@User12261990 LETSGOOOOOOOO
What video games are yall on at the moment?@LIFE HONESTLYYYYY its really cool i like it!! COME BACK TO OVERWATCH AND LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!
What video games are yall on at the moment? -
Jon Touring with 21 Pilots!JON OPENING FOR TOP WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE i hope they collab or something again IT WAS INSANE SEEING BOTH OF THEM LIVE
Do you know many people irl that listen to Jon’s music? -
How Did Yall Discover Jon?i don't really remember but i came across woke the fuck up and i immediately listened to everything he had at the time and fell DEEEEEEP into his music and was obsessed with ''the making of'' videos! i got so into twenty one pilots (STILL AM) years later so when jon opened up for TOP, I WAS OVER THE MOOOOOOON