Jon, so dang excited!!! Discovered you 4 years ago and been following your artistry ever since!!
We’re close. -
what song do you show ppl first?This is such a rad question!! I love showing people Paper Planes. Absolute chills every time.
classic reworkAbsolutely, these are so freaking dope. Gonna save 5 paychecks for this event LOL
I'll take it.LOL love the snake integration on this forum
What do you want to dive in onEverything please!! Would love to hear how you connect your sound design to the messages! So stoked to have you back Jon! And this forum is AWESOME!
your music got me throughI first discovered your music when a friend showed me "While You Count Sheep" in 2020! I was intrigued, so I started listening to your albums, enjoyed them, and then nosedived into one of the most isolating, hard times of my life. But the upbeat stories your music told gave me joy and connection when I really needed it. The way your stories were so personable and real made me feel so much less alone. And on top of that... your beats are COMPLETELY euphoric, which added another layer of joy into helping me through. You and your music feel like an old friend, your music has gotten me through so much, and I continually love it, tirelessly. ALSO, your music got me to be interested in producing music at all. You showed me a language of artistic expression that I didn't know was possible, so I bought a MIDI and am learning. You and your music have made more of an impact on my life than you'll ever know. I'm SO happy you're back, Jon!
this is more special than I could have ever dreamedJust want to tell you how obsessed I am with this journey you're taking us on. I seriously thought one day an album was going to just show up in my email inbox, which I was STOKED for. But THIS? A place for ALL OF US to get to interact with EACH other and WITH YOU and SHARE THE HYPE? Wow.... What a special time, Jon. Thank you again