Kingdom Come is one of my faves bc Jon is so good at making songs that portray that feeling of being here for a greater purpose and knowing that you have a particular talent because you're meant to use it for something big. My dreams sort of scare me even tho I have the talent for them and God didn't put me here to NOT accomplish them yk. but kingdom come always reminds me that its me that blocks me from success. God didn't give us the spirit of fear.
Demons seem so small
They're the same one's that I've fought in all my nightmares
And conquered in my dreams, we have won
As I watched them fall
I begin to realize my only enemy is me
Kingdom Come, Kingdom Come
I heard melodies from angels, so I played them, I'm the one
Now my heroes asking me where I'm from
I'm the story line of Simba as we watch the rising sun
Living prophecy is me, Kingdom Come