@tiachante_ @LuvJB85 @elizabethmoravek @April_K8
Sending all of you girlies hugs rn. Remember that everything has its seasons... sometimes one is longer than the other. I picked up some self soothing mantras, and one that I go to often is saying "it wont always feel this way" over and over (even while ugly crying). Take it day by day, hour by hour, one nap or shower at a time.

All Time Low -
Record Vinyls?@K4590c You're amazing, thank you! If they have any others, lmk!
I still need Separation and Definition. Growth would be amazing, but I doubt it. I appreciate you!
Anybody got special plans for when the album drops?@FrankieFeelsIt I have the pros as well and their noise cancellation is just insane. It'll suffice for sure. Though I wanna be like the cool kids with bulky headphones lol
Anybody got special plans for when the album drops?@FrankieFeelsIt I'm in the market for new headphones. I have my airpods but I need wireless headphones, like the bulky over the ear kind. What would you recommend?
Mexicooo@danr Totally understand! Mexico City is on my list of places to visit I'm in Texas, on the border, so I want to visit the homeland
Have you ever travelled?I want to do so much more traveling in the coming years. My best friend lives in Croatia so a Europe trip is in its initial planning stages.
Aside from that, I've only traveled the continental US and Jamaica. But that needs to change!
Sticker ConceptIt would be amazing if Jon outsourced to all his fans who have these great ideas to design tour merch. That way it has a community feel to it
The person who designed the Live at Cove City poster is also on the forum as well.
Record Vinyls?@K4590c Can you snag The Separation for me???
A digital trace I didThis is amazing! You're incredibly talented!
MexicoooStart driving now!!! lol
How it feels with each IG story, Tweet, or forum appearance -
Did Some Reverse-Image Searching@Isaac Your FBI skills are so good that you could really be a girl who's trying to find out if she's being catfished (says a girl with equal FBI skills).
This is dope, especially the tidbit that the statue isn't actually there IRL. I can't wait to see what this relates to!
BN: JON IS IN MEXICO@naxhro your pause game is
Prayer RequestPraying for Noa tonight, for her medical team, and for your family. I am so sorry that you all are going through such a scary and uncertain time.
Tour Stop Wishlist ✨Heyyooo! I’m from Texas as well. Not the DFW area. But I will travel anywhere for this show!
Totes excitedSame! This has already made my year lol
Oversized Shirt ConceptI will take 7 pls!
Dope shirt, I love it!
Am I crazy?Taking notes so I know who to stay with when I go visit Europe lol
Birthday/zodiac signJune Gemini here
blessed...That’s awesome! Praying it goes well for you!