if you only had one hour to write a song from start to finish.
what would your process be?
if you only had one hour to write a song from start to finish.
what would your process be?
yes. we'll buy live nation.
@User12261990 yessir!!
this is tuff.
i lowkey want a giant poster of this.
you should make one for each record!
this is the commitment i need.
seeing you LIVE in atlanta a few years ago was a whole other level.
you didn't just perform, you hung with friends.
the way you lifted the room up for all of us to believe in a tomorrow worth getting to was inspiring.
thank you.
gonna be hard to match that early gear... but you always made the best choices. worth the spend.
you're a gift my dude.
I would love to hear what your process would be if you only had one hour to make a song to write a song from start to finish.
What would the process look like?
How long would you spend on melody? Lyrics? Tracks?
What's good everyone.
My name's tyler richardson... and here me out... picture some type of "wreck it ralph" meets "tron" movie, but made by Pixar. Now imagine what Jon could create with that soundtrack.
I know he's talked in the past about doing something like that, but I'm sure the hardest part would be finding the right concept that his genius could elevate beyond a movie, to an actual moment piece.
My personal vote would be for something involving robots, mythical passage ways, and neon lights. But that's just me.