@User12261990 Would it just be local uploaded files to the forum or directly emailed?

New approach -
Game of Numbers until User12261990 replies00000045
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?@BeautifulMind The Internet definitely speaks to me the most as someone who chooses to be chronically offline, it leaves me feeling disconnected in some ways from a lot of those around me but I also feel like I can really exist in a real way without it.
How Did Yall Discover Jon?I originally heard all time low on the radio back when it first came out, and while I did have The Human Condition recommended to me I didn't get around to listening to it/really getting into jon until 2019 right before I Feel It came out.
SOCKS!!!!@BeautifulMind I'm Hoping that the Beautiful Mind Jacket comes sooner than later, the pictures on here when the site was first up go hard as hell.
Answer 2 Questions!@jm11762 Kid Again has to take it for Jons songs, although if we assume that's just recency bias I'd have to go with The Internet. As for another artist idk if this exactly counts but Face 2 Face by the Kid Laroi with Jon on it is such a banger, I hope that gets an official release at some point.
Notifications/App interface?I was wondering similarly, my emails either take longer to come in or go to my spam or promotions folder for some reason so if there was a way to set up news notifications I'd love to sign up for that
Notifications/App interface?I was wondering similarly, my emails either take longer to come in or go to my spam or promotions folder for some reason so if there was a way to set up news notifications I'd love to sign up for that
Where We Started (and other songs like it)I know Where We Started by Thomas Rhett has a Katy Perry feature on release but I remember back seeing it on an instagram story of a clip where it was originally Jon And Rhett, and ever since then I've wished I could've heard that version. Is there ever a chance you'll come to release that version or other demo versions of a lot of those songs you wrote and produced and ultimately had release under other artists? I'd love for that to be something exclusive for the fans as a sort of peel behind the curtain.
APPIDK whats going on or anything but when is there gonna be an app lol