The first one I went to was in San Diego, House of Blues. It was 2016 and I was 14 years old. Everything about it was magical, I remember him singing and get goosebumps because of how much I love that man, he is simply amazing. His creations and the way he assembles music so naturally, takes my breathe away. I remember the way the concert ended, he sang Hand of God so heavenly, the orchestra at the end was amazing and I was signing with a stranger next to me. MAGICAL.
The last concert I went to was in 2019, I was 17 years old. I went with my best friend and since she did not listen to Jon as much, she told me not to worry about videos or pictures because I deserved to actually enjoy the concert and I did. All I did was sing, scream, cry, sing and laugh and be so happy. She recorded every song for me and did not mind it for one second. She even got a video of me singing and jumping, so cute. I love Jon.
My first and last Jon Bellion concert.