@User12261990 is that a track title? “Gorilla dad dawg spirit”? That would be first on repeat imo

What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Music Video?@stickhouse cove city goes soooooo hard. I remember watching that live during the pandemic and was absolutely mind blown. The improvisation was nuts
New approachWhatever you’re spit ballin, we’ll spit shake on it
What you guys do for a living?@finnybee68 It's called HeartSupport! Founded by a Grammy-nominated vocalist of a metal band called August Burns Red. He'd stay after shows til he got kicked out by security talking to fans about their struggles. He started HeartSupport, and now we serve as the primary mental health non-profit for fans in the metal music world...we connect fans to one another, training them how to support each other in their mental health. It's a blast. For people who love music, it's such a cool way to get into caring for your own mental health or supporting others.
How Did Yall Discover Jon?Random Spotify ad with all time low, and I said
Hooked before the 30s was up
WOOOHOOOO“A song a day for six years seems like light years away from today”
Did you do that for real?
If so, what got that challenge started? What was the process like? Highs, lows?
What you guys do for a living?I run a non profit that uses music to start conversations about mental health
IcelandGoing to be sooooooooo siiiiiiiick!!!!
Love that you have dedicated to real sound, real imagery.
Reminds me of the process you went through when getting back tracks for Mah’s Joint…real, raw emotion. True art. Process as important as product.
Can’t wait….Let’s goooooo
No more mysteryclears every song from my playlist
This is BM social mediaOne of my favorite memories was hearing JT live on the GSP tour.
I became a fan during Human Condition, and I think JT was the first single released after I became a fan.
I can't remember a time looking forward to music more.
So when JT was played live, and EVERY SONG had a brand new feel live...the sound was so huge...it was like a celebration of life, a celebration of the joy of music. I closed my eyes and danced and LIVED in that moment. It was special.