I have always used Spotify for ease but I have seen a ton of things about the incredible sound quality of Apple Music if you plug in. Most people (including myself) use bluetooth so compression makes it an unnoticeable difference. However the vibes of a vinyl will never be beat, I feel like you take more time appreciating the album itself.
Favorite Streaming Platform? -
It’s crazy to thinkHigh school of course, it's crazy how listening to this songs brings me back there BUT also relates to where I am now. Music keeps evolving 8 years later. Makes me have happy tears but also throw up thinking about those days lol
God and creatingIf it wasn't for God I wouldn't have the desires/motivation to do what I do now. I feel like when times get tough, creativity can get brighter and same goes with going to God. Although it can be really easy to go to God during the lows and the highs I think it is interesting to tap into him when life is just 'going'. During the everyday, boring times. So overall I think going to God keeps a balance and a constant through my
creative hobbies. Personally I am big into photos but creativity can go all over the place!