@User12261990 you are an inspiration my man, thankyou for existing

How Did Yall Discover Jon? -
Dragon BallJon @User12261990 , what are your thoughts on Dragon Ball Daima that came out this year if you've gotten the time to watch yet. I think it's really good, (Ive only watched the episodes in English so I'm behind) Also how did piccolo become your favorite character?
How Did Yall Discover Jon?There was this kid who i would play basketball ball with occasionally with during middle school (I'm 21 for reference) and we got talking about music and he was asking me if I ever heard of these couple artist and he mentioned Kid Quil, Jon Bellion, and Quinn XCII, so when we got back inside from break I started at the beginning with jon this had to be like 2016 so the human condition was out, I fell in love with his style and listened to everything he ever produced from there on out. I was like a kid strung out on coke, the music was captivating, I would dance in my room when I got home from school. Fast forward a few years to my junior year of high-school GSP came out and my Grandpa surprised me with tickets for my 16th birthday and took me to see him in Royal Oak Michigan. That was the most magical concert of my fricken life, let alone my first concert ever. Anyway, Jon if you read this, Invited you to my wedding back in September, I wish you could've made it, I am incredibly proud of how far you've come and I'm so happy to see how God's worked in your life that you make public!