@User12261990 Thank you so much to you and the team for creating this gathering place for all of us to link up. I'm a high school Music Production and Theory teacher. I've been a huge fan of your art since the THC days, and love using your "Making of" videos in class during our discussions of the creative process. I think it would be incredible to have more resources like you mentioned (DAW breakdowns, preset and plugin preferences, recording tips and tricks, etc.) We do lots of discussions about the different lines of work they can get into, and how to hone their skillset, and having more from someone like you that has diversified how many ways you can share and create, would be so helpful in this post-pandemic, ease of access type music world!

What do you want to dive in on -
PROD@User12261990 YES! We are so happy to have new music on the horizon, and cannot wait to dive in with questions n the journey and how you developed your new sound