I hope Jon works with Timbaland

Jon Bellion my good sir! I need the answer to this question! -
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@poetgoddess180 oh u are so lucky i wish i could go back in time to be in my mid 20’s-early 30’s
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Mannyphresh116 yea I agree with u but I will be turning 40 this year in October
What artists collaboration with Jon bellion would be sick?Ed Sheeran , Timbaland, pharell ( saw a pic of pharell with Jon so there is a possibility that they did a song together)
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Clique_Dad oh wow I thought I was the oldest lol . I will add u as a friend.
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Zeonder yea don’t feel bad I didn’t discover Jon until 2015 and he didn’t come to Buffalo ny where I live. So I missed the THC tour which makes me sad. But I did go to his GSP tour I flew all the way to Cincinnati Ohio to see him in concert in 2019 in the summer.
Anyone here from upstate Ny@bworden98 oh that’s awesome.
Favorite Concerts You Have Ever Been To??@JunaErickson I saw pink last year and it was awesome! And I saw Justin Timberlake last October of last year. And the Jonas brothers I saw in November of 2023 when their new album came out here in Buffalo ny.
Hello Mr.Bellion@sushi I’m worried that he’s only gonna have one show in NYC bc I’m not from nyc and I live in upstate ny ( Buffalo ny). I hope he has more than one show. I know Lawrence is coming to Buffalo where I live in the fall of this year.
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@AshleyJean88 yea same here
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel oldAnyone here in their 30’s? Man, do I feel old. I’m 39 years old. Am I the oldest in here? Comment if u are in your thirties. And I will add u as a friend. 🩵
Favorite Concerts You Have Ever Been To?? -
Anyone here from upstate Ny -
Anyone here from upstate Ny -
Anyone here from upstate Ny@bworden98 oh cool
If your life was a movie, which 3 Jon Bellion songs would be the soundtrack? -
FAVORITE JB SONG TO SING ALONG TO?Meant to live by Jon bellion /switchfoot, stupid deep, Good things fall apart by illenium/jon bellion , woke the fu$k up, overwhelming, all time low, hand of god are all songs I listen to and many more
what really gets you up in the morning?@jaxophone well I’ve been struggling with my depression lately and it’s bc of the weather here in ny. But honestly music and therapy is what keeps me going and to not give up on being alive. Some days I wanna give up and other days I keep pushing myself to not give up on life.
MERCH CHECK IN@Pickle hey winter by me isn’t over yet. I’m still hibernating in upstate ny. The weather here in Buffalo Ny is crappy here we got a lot of snow. And it’s freezing here. But I could use some new music from Jon. 🩵