@catkeleghan yea same here I heard it’s hard to find tickets to Coachella

Coachella??? -
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Tisson yea I felt the same way when I was your age but now it’s hitting me harder bc this year I will turn 40 and I’m not looking forward to it.
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@jessileegrimm happy birthday btw.
what really gets you up in the morning?@jaxophone what keeps u going everyday?
Best Jon Show ? -
MERCH CHECK IN@User12261990 hey Jon I know this sounds crazy but can we have merch that glows in the dark? I just thought of it
STUPID DEEP@forrest_fire_art your welcome
What do you want to dive in on@User12261990 Jon I just wanna say please come to Buffalo NY. Please I’m begging 🥺
snake eyes@benjammin sadly I stink at the snake game my highest score is a 1.
Coachella???Unfortunately I’m not going to Coachella bc it’s far and I’m from upstate ny. Too bad bc I would love to go
FIRST CONCERTMy first concert with Jon was in Cincinnati Ohio in 2019 and now I wanna see him all the time.
STUPID DEEP@forrest_fire_art nice art work
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@Jaygee213 lol same here I will be listening to Jon til I die
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@danielpereztp Don’t sit around and do nothing make sure u take time to have fun, travel, see the world. I know bc when I was in my twenties I let my depression get the best of me and I didn’t enjoy life when I should have been.
Anyone here in their 30’s? I feel old@0verwhelmMe I don’t know but I’m older than Jon and I couldn’t believe it I look younger than my actual age