@Jaygee213 cool

Birthday/zodiac sign -
Jon's Old Youtube Burner Account@FrankieFeelsIt omg u found it!
Old song LONDON@FrankieFeelsIt it’s ok . The video of this song said 2016 but it sounds older than that though.
Jon's Old Youtube Burner Account -
Jon's Old Youtube Burner Account -
Fan base P.O. BoxAnyone here think it would be cool if Jon had a P.O. Box address for his fans to write him letters? I think it would be cool if he did have one so that people from all over the world could write or send him letters, gifts (for his birthday), art , etc.. please comment & tell me what u think.
Old song LONDON@FrankieFeelsIt I didn’t know that he worked with neon hitch. What year did this song come out?
Birthday/zodiac sign -
GHOST DemoThat’s a the first time I’ve ever heard him sing that song after clicking on the tik tok video post of yours.
Birthday/zodiac signWhen is your Birthday? What zodiac sign are u? My Birthday is October 5th & my zodiac sign is a Libra.
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