@kozmikblooz thing is I can’t eat the same thing everyday though.

Dinner? -
Dinner?@kozmikblooz I can have a sub for more than one day for dinner but even now I’m starting to get sick of subs now lol
Dinner?@kozmikblooz no they were mmmmm good in blue cheese lol
she fell... -
Dinner?@kozmikblooz lol well u are missing out on subs. I get mine from subway ( eat fresh) lol
she fell...@kozmikblooz I wish that song was on iTunes but it isn’t
she fell...@kozmikblooz yea. In order for me to hear it I would have to go on YouTube to listen to it
she fell...@kozmikblooz I think so but I only go on there to watch videos
Why is graveyard demo such a addictive song@KjellyBean I wish we could buy his version of graveyard song
Petition to formally release 1990@jake.meredith_ I thought YouTube took it down ? Bc I tried searching for it and I couldn’t find it.
Favorite part of Jon’s musicI agree with u. I like the fact that he is very talented when it comes to lyrics-writing music, making beats, making vocal effects-uses his voice as an instrument, the fact that he can sing, rap, his creativity when it comes to art ideas. He’s amazing.
Which song of Jon’s do u listen to the most? -
Poems/songs@kozmikblooz your welcome
Dead man walking. Jon what happened when your sister heard the song? -
What happened to tangled web? -
Writer's Block... -
Dead man walking. Jon what happened when your sister heard the song?@kozmikblooz oooh ok lol
Petition to formally release 1990@jake.meredith_ oh ok
Tour location@Whya don’t feel bad I’m from Buffalo ny and I’m on the east coast but I wouldn’t be able to go if it’s in nyc bc I’m afraid to fly on an airplane by myself. And I don’t know anyone where I live that would want to go with me to nyc.
Twitter /instagram@JonIsGOAT ok I will add u