This is the greatest thing ever. #BM
My dad.I discovered Jon’s music when I was in middle school. I quickly fell in love with everything Jon Bellion and I even got my dad into him. My dad became obsessed as much as I was and it made me so happy. My dad passed away in August at the age of 49 and just shortly after that, I turned 23. My dad and I shared a very special connection in Jon Bellions music and some of his favorite songs included: Stupid Deep, Human, Munny Right, and his favorite of all was Luxury. I’ll always remember my dad as a huge Jon Bellion fan and I hold it so near and dear to my heart that we shared that together. It makes me tear up just about anytime I put on Jon’s music knowing that my pops is up there smiling down at me listening to his music with me. #BeautifulMind