I hope nothing but prosperity and love comes your way brody, if things get complicated, dont worry we gon take it slow, remember? ️

Revisiting a happy place -
Rocking Chair@kimberly.hampshire that ikea x jon bellion rocking chair collab where they dont give you any instruction manual would go CRAAAAAAAAAAAAZYYY
Lady Fortuna NecklaceI wonder if he would since it holds sentiment to him so maybe beyond being the face of beautiful mind he'd want it to stay singular. it is fire though, if that ever did happen instant cop
Why Jon Bellion is my Spirit Animal@NaijaBOT aye got me to read it
. some people just get salty at that typa thing, I read the whole thing tho, good shit.
The Jon Bellion producer pack -
Why Jon Bellion is my Spirit Animal@NaijaBOT This post is dope but be careful with the spam ping, mods and others will probably get mad.
love you long time
SnakeI'm way to picky ahahah, the input lag between keystrokes has made me not push for a record. ill come for a W soon though
Change the rate limiting system for upvotes.I think instead of 20 upvotes a day which is very limiting and restrictive, an effective rate limit system should be say, no more than 20 in 10 minutes etc etc, or even more than 20, that can all be tweaked.
What made y'all become fans?that catchy ass production and hook on LIFE, changed my whole view on modern pop music as a little ass kid way back in 2013.
Fellow Aussies please reply and show me that we have a presence down under 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 -
What’s your favourite ‘ making of’ video from jon bellion on youtube?@KjellyBean go and tap back in, I just started rewatching it again after this comment. so so good.
The GOAT speech - The Making of Munny Right (Behind the Scenes)I was 10 when that came out, he wasnt wrong bro. and munny right is still one of my favourite tracks he's ever dropped
What’s your favourite ‘ making of’ video from jon bellion on youtube?Making of Stupid Deep has to be my favourite, the amount of raw emotion in that video is insane and it's probably in my top 3 most watched. Before that it would've been either making of Woodstock/All Time Low/Woke The Fuck Up, or making of LIFE.
What video games are yall on at the moment? -
If your life was a movie, which 3 Jon Bellion songs would be the soundtrack? -
What song should Jon NOT have sold?Halsey did it justice but I would've loved Graveyard to be kept. May have just not fit with any projects he had in mind.
WOOOHOOOO@Beautifully-Minded dont ever shoot no dance to this, this is a fucking manuscript
How Did Yall Discover Jon? -
How did you discover Jon Bellion? -