"I'm not a homosexual but THAT is how you fuck the man."

Most Outrageous Jon Lyric? -
What video games are yall on at the moment?Ill go first with one of my unconventional favourite games of all time, geoguessr. Been playing for 8 years or so and peaked #7 in my country at the game.
Others though, Been revisiting Battlefield 4, beat Skyrim again recently (peak), been playing Terraria since the first week of its 2011 release (also peak), and some warthunder because my buddies are fiends.
Keyword search for posts function sitewide or on categories.almost like a ctrl+f but more geared towards the site. say I want to search keyword "faze" to interact with people who found him through faze. godspeed
Why Jon Bellion is my Spirit Animal@NaijaBOT This post is dope but be careful with the spam ping, mods and others will probably get mad.
love you long time
post your cats! i'll start <3^ my late sweetie fudge back in her prime, was a drill sergeant to the neighbourhood, love her.
oreo, she is a very relaxed grandma, almost the dead opposite.
the disciple and the master together
How you found his music ?@flyinglotus W name snipe
LETS HERE THOSE UNPOPULAR OPTIONSRefrigerated pasta is better than fresh pasta
I know I just got some Italians heated thats on me my bad
HOW LONG IS TOO LONG THOUGH?that delayed gratification will only make it that much sweeter, I think my parents were right all these years
Most Outrageous Jon Lyric?@B34ut1fuLminD95 the claaaassic
more of my old art -
How Has Jonβs Work Influenced You?@jessjurak putting everything aside and have one last dance with your boyfriend because you guys love him that much is powerful, that must've softened the bad parts of the break up so well.
How it feels now that we have new music coming...@catkeleghan "Bellion is dropping"
Jon Bellion collab wishlist -
Favorite Jon Produced/Written Song?for production tori kelly - thing u do, that ending is filth.
halsey - graveyard for songwriting. that hook is great.
Other favorite artists@jmckinney4123 EDEN is my favourite artist of all time, point blank, period. I have a hard time having like top 10 artists because I stretch myself out very thin musically. but in terms of right now I'm a big brakence fan, jim croce, bladee, frank ocean, bon iver fan aswell. found a chick called oklou this january off a collab she did with bladee, she's sick. recommend her new debut album
What are some albums you've listened to recently that you've loved?Got around to listening to that George Greep "The New Sound" album a couple weeks ago and loved it, I appreciate the storytelling of that album so much in an age where albums want one or 2 songs to bang, having an album that can only really be enjoyed if you have the whole context of every song interlinked is great. Also just listened to Oklou's "choke enough", which was FIRE
What artists do u listen to? -
songs@kozmikblooz my name
What's your best playlist?my proudest playlist are usually just my most recent ones, but my favourites are prolly
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/67RMuFiJvy2z4fg8Nuu0kv?si=13bbfadd2ba74232 liquid dnb playlist sleep playlist, alot of ambienty piano
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1ltuFy1liv79rgSrxdT4rH?si=3b1be4eb538f4500 pretty much only ambient music/drone.
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6i1b8plCvrxKvhOmcVNy7t?si=9ea69d4f366e4ce1 then just my main playlist. an ubereats driver took the photo
WOW, site developers KNOCKED IT OUT THE BOX.With only having had a week to get everything up to standard, you guys COOKED, this site looks fucking stunning bro. good shit, this eras gonna be good.
edit: I'm gonna be abusing having an edit feature on posts because when the site got soft launched for the test I kept making typos on posts, this feature was NEEDED for me LMFAOOOOO