@User12261990 A Poland Spring man, no wonder the records always HIT

Group chat-what’s your go to song of Jon’s right now? -
When did you discover Jon?2015 - When he first dropped Woke the Fuck Up, WoodStock, and All Time Low with the triple feature BTS. Been hooked ever since
OTHER ARTISTS LIKE JON BELLION?I tend to seek out and listen to the songs Jon’s produced/written on because you can really hear and feel the influence and new techniques he’s playing around with
The Levántate Tag@BBart11 That is correct. Jon has used and still does use a lot of stock sounds found in Logic. If dig around you’ll find a lot of samples found in the Definition album! Always fun discovering them accidentally while producing
Levántate@jbmcpayne I think it’s just another sample adding to the song, calling for the energy to continue getting “lifted up”
Miss my Beautiful Mind shirtI got the white beautiful mind shirt with the black flowers surrounding it during the THC part 1 tour in NYC along side my green hat. Left the shirt at an ex’s house years ago and never got it back. Still think about it from time to time 🥲. But at least I still have my green BM hat, and had it on when I met Jon in the city.
Looking forward to any new merch that comes with this album!
Kid Again removed from Apple Music in UK -
something is happening -
Mrs. BellionMakes going back and listening to certain songs more fun considering it could be about his wife without us knowing at the time. 80’s films comes to mind specifically
Bellionaires what do you do for a living?Work in finance in the car world and produce music/perform as a live musician (guitar). My last gig was performing with a harpist as a duet at the re-opening of the Transamerica building in SF!
Where is everyone from? -
This is BM social mediaI remember when The Human Condition dropped and my best friend and I waited all day to get together after work and just blast the new music for the first time in the tiny apartment I was living in temporarily. We went on the part 1 tour night 2 in Webster Hall. Best concert I've been to so far and I still have the OG green Beautiful Mind hat from that concert!
This is so dope