is it kinda...Jon Snow??

Iceland -
No more mystery -
We've waited 6 years...@Jaxson-Jean Oh, yeah, I think I get u. I go back to drawing from time to time, and even though I don't have a permanent fan base, sometimes I want to send everything to the internet at once, like "Look what I did, isn't it cool?". I can just imagine how JB feels right now, seeing our anticipation.
We've waited 6 years...The forum is gradually becoming quieter. Many are losing the excitement of anticipation and are simply silently checking this page in hopes of updates. Someone writes "Jon, you better drop the album ASAP, WE'VE WAITED FOR 6 YEARS!!!" But I also want to say. "We've waited 6 years, we can wait another day or week." Jon has told us enough about what was going on in his life during these years (I think we'll find out more from his new songs).
For each of us, in our own way, it was a difficult time. And what we have now, I would call a miracle.
How many artists do you know who created something like this forum for their fans?
Jon wouldn't tease us without a reason. Let's be a grateful fanbase! /α qκqα\ -
jon bellion type of night...@Zachgood7 same!!! although I listened to it constantly before... Probably now it has become 120%.
What's up?@Zeonder remember the rule of the Internet "What gets on the Internet stays there forever". So if you REALLY WANT to, you can easily find "KID AGAIN".
THC InstrumentalIf you get distracted by the lyrics in music while you're working on something, here's the solution. Awesome playlist of JB's songs with instruments only. (maybe someone already posted this, but I didn't notice)
Jon Bellion Instrumentals
rip kid again@Jaxson-Jean HAHAHA I'll print it out and hang it up as a memorial
Man i love this forum@KjellyBean it was about 5-6 songs, each was a representation of one of the released albums. I remember that for the track in honor of "The Definition" there was a cover of "Overwhelming", strangely..
Sorry, I used Google translate.
I'm drunk. -
Man i love this forum -
What's up? -
What's up? -
KID AGAIN disappeared off Spotify -
How will you be listeningBased on my schedule, i'll most likely be at university or on the subway, so headphones are the only option. i'll probably be overly emotional if it happens in the evening while i'm at a bar.
What's up?@KjellyBean The last 5 years have felt like a bad dream, so yeah, I guess u're right
Your guess on the drop date@GabbyW0205 mama mia π₯Ί
well, "in a time" moment.
What's up?@KjellyBean how long had am I sleeping??
Your guess on the drop date@GabbyW0205 it's a good one. But seriously i feel unprepared. 6 YEARS LATER I'M NOT READY. I'm worried.. damn
Your guess on the drop date -
so when this album drops...