@User12261990 You are such a huge part of my life even though we may never meet. I love how an artist can have such a huge impact on someone in that way. I remember I was in 6th grade when I heard "All Time Low" for the first time. I was out in the hallway with my friend and I had her play the song over and over because it was instantly just the best thing my middle school girl ears had ever heard. From that moment on I was hooked and all I could think, breath, speak, was your music! You influenced so much of my middle-highschool time, and I wouldnt have it any other way. I had 2 close friends at the time that also loved your music and we bonded over it. Sophomore year GSP came out and I remember sitting in math class listening to the album with my guy friend. It was such a special moment bonding over your art. I was able to go to your glory sound prep concert in Chicago, and my family cherishes probably the worst photo of me EVER from that concert. I was so full of pure joy and excitement in that moment. I have moved into other music the past couple years, but you are always the backbone and foundation of my love for music. I can listen to any of your music and it never gets old. Never stop doing what you do best, because it impacts so many people in ways you could never know. Lots of love <33