@Isaac man I would be thee first one there bro

I can't stress thee fact... -
I can't stress thee fact...that this forum have some of thee most awesome ppl, I'm so thankful for this group, I wish we were all in one room, sharing our music taste with each other, man I love yall with all my heart
HI JON, WOULD LOVE TO ASK YOU THIS@castleofvariety I was just thinking thee other day that thee next single would be a Pharrell feat
Music recommendationsim pretty much old school, Fleetwood Mac, queen, soundgarden, audioslave, kings of Leon, janis joplin, thee doors, left zeppelin, eagles, linkin park, disturbed, amy winehouse and many more
she fell...asleep during coachella...
and she woke up here...that song is amazing, especially after thee "they swear thee grass been singing to them" that little do do do dooooo 🥰
Breaking Bread & pasta@Amariez10585 its on thee "let's begin" song
question...is jon bellion still a part of visionary?...
Mr. Bellion sir...you got fans on thee forum...
waiting for a album drop...
but you giving them a panic attack... -
thee emotions...I feel whatever it's a song or a full album drop...
I feel like it's gonna make me cry...
probably just thee thing to let these tears flow... -
so emotional all day....@tiachante_ thank you so much 🥺, that's why I love this group...
i'm sorry but....i need to go get some more beer...
it's been a very emotional day...
i can't seem to sleep...
been up for 12+ hrs 🥺.... -
Group chat -how is everyone doing?@LuvJB85 I always listen to Mr. bellion son
Hardest bars?!"we erase heroes, I stan lee-aah Remini, he thee, kings and queens, my bars breathe lebron's kia"
remini played in kings of queens, kia is not thee greatest car, but if you put lebron in a kia car, it's thee greatest, jon's bars breathe lebron's kia
ALBUM RELEASE DATE GAME@its_nat07 and I always wondered if kid again was either a single or just a promotion single
jon bellion type of night...jamming my jon bellion playlist right now....
blessed...@finnybee68 sorry for thee late reply but thee interview went very well, just waiting for a call back
BEST JON BELLION LINE?"will gone hunting, mutha....., where you Ben afflac, we just seeing if you ducks can dance..." this line went way over my head when I first heard it
witness protection
Scattered Thoughtsgo listen to his interview with sway
I just want to ask..How is everyone doing? And what have y'all been up to lately?I've been ok for thee most part, going through a tough and stressful divorce right now, been separated for about 2 yrs now, still in thee starting over process
remember when I first heard jon bellionmy homie put me on jon bellion, listening to Jungle, after that it was a wrap, been a fan ever since, I needed more bellion music, start searching and searching, I found so many gems on top of gems, now I'm a jon bellion addict....