@gunki you got me CACKLING!!!
how KID AGAIN removal got me feeling -
The hole inside my heart is stupid deep -
The hole inside my heart is stupid deepI know we did it to ourselves with all the speculation but this is me right now
The hole inside my heart is stupid deep -
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essay@cosmcbrownie I FEEEEEEEEEL THAT!!!!! That’s how I felt when I wrote my essay. I will hopefully have it to you by the weekend
Help with writing a GSP or THC centered essay@cosmcbrownie I actually wrote an essay on the human condition for a pop culture class in college. I would have to go digging through my old files to find it but would it be posible to use songs from both albums?! The human condition is all about what it’s like being human in this crazy world. For your topic iRobot and fashion immediately come to mind. And then as some people have said on the forum GSP has some great songs that seem to talk about Jon wrestling with this idea that social media is a necessity because the possibility of what might happen if he discards it is really scary. I think of CWMW and the internet. Hope this helps. If you would want to see my essay let me know!!
Working on this record….@User12261990 odd how? Do you feel that stuff had a large impact on the music you’ve made (your own or for other artists)? If you do feel that way would you be able to describe the kind of impact?
MERCH CHECK IN@Cheep yeah still holding up. I don’t know if this makes a difference but I air dry them every time. Same with my hoodies
Anyone here have a weak immune system? I doI’m sick everyday I wake up and the new music hasn’t dropped…haha just kidding.
I know this is a serious post though so my bad for joking I just couldn’t help myself. As far as the consistent cough goes. You should see a doctor and ask about something called “walking pneumonia” my cousin had a cough she could shake for like a month and that’s what it imended up being. Also immune system tea from a brand called yogi and any other teas that catch your eyes. My personal favorite is a throat coat because I talk a lot for work
MERCH CHECK IN@alltimelowlowlow I rock my GSP sweatpants every time I have a long car ride or hop on a plane (in the colder months of course)
What Jon Bellion lyric hit you the hardest?As has been said multiple times all his lyrics hit hard for me it depends entirely on the mood I’m in.
One of the first lyrics that came to mind is from iRobot “I was a human breathing and thinking eating and drink philosophizing I was a human before you killed and ripped my heart out I knew what love was now when they ask me I just reply slow and allowing like an iPhone I do not know love I am a robot” I’m just now realizing I typed the opening to that song lol.
But I work in a high school and the attachment kids have to their devices is almost criminal. It’s nearly imposible for them to spend time without being connected to the internet and it’s heartbreaking. What hurts even more is I see it in my nephews. Especially as they are reaching the double digits they can’t fathom a world without technology. A world that is actually right in front of them/us if we would just take the time to connect to it. Which is ironic considering I’ve spent the last hour reading through this forum
Jon's Unreleased SongsMy Apple Music recap was easily 20,000 minutes less than it should have been because I was listening to the cove city concert and unreleased songs on YouTube. And 20,000 is a VERY low estimate
Songs you'd love to hear live?The human condition album.
My biggest regret so far in this life is not going to see him during one of his THREE parts to that tour. I would always talk myself out of it because I was in high school and college during them
Something similar to Cove City?I listen to that concert every time I wash my hair. Simple and sweet in that concert is a MASTER PIECE! I can never get enough of the talent that was in that room
ANY UPDATE ON THE ANIMATED SERIES??@Echo i honestly thought i dreamt it I’m glad it’s being spoken about because i was starting to think i was crazy
Designed a "Kid Again" posterGreat work!! Would it be alright if I saved this and used it as my profile pic on the forum?