@emiajfaith OMG thats literally our story but Chicago! How incredible!!
This is BM social media -
What merch do yall own? -
How Has Jon’s Work Influenced You?In 2016, my boyfriend at the time introduced me to THC, and I loved it. Anywhere we went, we only listened to JB in the car. After he and I broke up, we had already bought tickets to his concert in Chicago, so we went together as exes, and I don’t regret a single moment! That night, nothing else mattered but our shared love of Jon’s music. We danced in each others’ arms to our song, Overwhelming, and ultimately had an incredible night. We never did get back together but my love for Jon has only grown stronger and stronger since!!
I’m someone that gets chills and goosebumps when I hear music, stories, etc that really resonate with me, and I get chills with every single song. There’s not a single thing that Jon has created that doesn’t fill my heart with joy. His music is the only thing that gives my ADHD brain the dopamine it craves, and it will forever be on repeat in my life and in my beautiful mind
Midwest Visit When?@manehrdz25 I saw him in Chicago (maybe 7-8 years ago?) and it was literally the best night of my life. I was able to meet the Lawrence siblings, too! I would do anything to see Jon live again
6 years...I first started listening to him as a senior in high school, and in May this year, I’m going to be a full-ass doctor, still waiting for the next album to hit and tour dates posted lol
Answer 2 Questions!- While you count sheep & dead man walking because they’re both just so real and wholesome. I also love Blu & stupid deep - both acoustic and original versions. Anddd I love overwhelming & hand of god from THC. (Sorry, I really couldn’t pick just one)
- I love Casualty by Lawrence because that was the first one that got me into them as well!