Just want to personally thank you for putting in the work all these years. While I first technically heard you on Beautiful Now back in the day, I first discovered you/dove deep into your work via your All Time Low release track on a Discover playlist on Spotify. Been a digital follower ever since. I was privileged to have seen you when you came to Lolla 2017 and then again in Chicago in 2019. Great shows btw.
Your music got me through multiple hard times (working in a cancer center during the pandemic, break ups, life changes, figuring out myself during my late 20’s), and also has been blasted over speakers on a good days (my first trip to NY, driving in the heart Patagonia, and hiking in Norway, multiple birthday playlists).
What I’m really trying to say is that - I am grateful for you and I appreciate you. Thank you. I hope you have a great day and good life. Cheers.
Thank you