I’m not going to use this space to give a sob story on everything I’ve been through. We’ve all had our own fights though. What really matters is that no matter what has happened to me, 10 years ago I watched the most impactful 50 seconds intro to a video I’ll ever see. The making of munny right.
As an 11 year old kid who didn’t have the confidence to try and explain anything. Jon perfectly spoke to me in that intro and fundamentally changed my perspective on music and life as whole. As if he explained me to me. I then after watching the video listened to the song for the first time. A song that single-handedly inspires me everyday to trust the process. Trust The Father. Trust the Great Artist.
Since then I’ve spent those years trying to understand what it really means to make music that matters. And 5 years trying to really do it. That passion for music that Jon helped me find has helped me find a job, helped me better understand relationships, helped me find a spiritual relationship and just given me a confidence I don’t think I would have ever had. While my life is in no way built around Jon, his art, his mind and his intentionality have helped fuel passion and meaning in my quick 20 year life.
Even now I am thankful for this space he has built. It shows that same intentional heart. It shows a want to do everything in a meaningful way for the people who REALLY want it. So this extra long post is to impress no one. It needs no extra attention. It’s just a 10 year overdo message for Jon. Thank you.