@jordanc007 glad I could help! Congratulations on the bundles of joy
Nice name btw. My name is Jordynn lmaoo
@jordanc007 glad I could help! Congratulations on the bundles of joy
Nice name btw. My name is Jordynn lmaoo
@LoveFromDetroit go the French to sleep I’m cackling
You can’t always take advice from everyone. Soon as you mention kids people just start telling you how to do stuff and 90% of the time it’s unsolicited…follow your gut, and if you feel strongly about raising your kids a certain way, stand on that. Don’t let anyone sway you. Except your spouse or partner. Every child is different, just learn your kids and bond with them, eventually you’ll find a groove that works for you. Hope that was helpful
@User12261990 that looks like such an uncomfortable position
@kozmikblooz love you too!!
@FrankieFeelsIt I like that. That was funny
@Aaron-Anderson never until now have I ever wanted to be a dog so cute!!
To all my ladies (and even the gents) that have Jon as their celebrity crush, what was the moment you realized it? What made you fall for him? I’ll go first:
When I heard him on the radio for the first time, not knowing how he looked, I thought he sounded very attractive. And then when I saw him for the first time, I was like…the voice does not match the face at all…BUT I started watching his creative proceeds vids on YT…and just watching him make music and listening to him talk so passionately about it and just his intelligence about music and his mannerisms…I fell head over heels. To the point where I literally refused to believe he was married. But eventually I had to stop lying to myself especially now that he’s got kids. Like I’m so happy for him and I wish him never ending joy, he doesn’t deserve anything less obviously but like…I love him Yk?
I watch those vids like 6 or seven times a day just cus he’s so damn cute. And listening to him laugh brings me great joy ️
What’s your story?
@notsobasic in the best way 🤩
Idk if this counts as acoustic, but the Spotify remake of Adult Swim
I love all time low (he put in some run wild vocals that had me in outer space)
I love them all tbh
If we’re talking about dreams then I met him several times. And he always ended up falling in love with me. He was as obsessed with me as I am with him. It was great.
(They stopped once I found out he was married. Sad times)
@fallingmiraculou okay what part of the theme song? Like the beginning?? I just listened to it and I’m not hearing it but I want to lol
@kozmikblooz we’ll be right here for you when you come back 🩵🩵🩵
@Amariez10585 I wish I could get notifications to my phone