@FrankieFeelsIt button by maroon 5
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix -
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt have you tried everything we need by a day to remember
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt have you tried middle ground by maroon 5? Trying to keep you sane here until the next drop because after coming across all your post I’m afraid you’re going to implode from the lack of Jon Bellion lol
talk about a dry spell. If I think of anything else maybe I’ll get lucky and at least drip a little something your way lol to keep you from dehydration.
#keepfrankiefeelsitalive we have to get you to the drop!
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt ummmm you can listen to Quinn XCII life goes on, Stacy.
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt Idk go listen to Cdot Castro the blue print lol
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt go look up smooth movin by blaque keys Jon Bellion has one of my favorite verses on that song and it’s fire.
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt look up Andy Mineo rat race
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt look up quest way to San Diego he has a really peaceful vibrant verse in this intro
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt look up logic freestyle 24 he has dope as bars in his verse
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion Fix@FrankieFeelsIt go bump robin williams by ceelo
If you Need a Jonathan Bellion FixAll I’m saying if you haven’t already, is that if you need a Jonathan Bellion fix that Tori Kelly album has Jon Bellion gems sprinkled all over it.
Fan since 2012@User12261990 Damn finally freed from those shackles
. Been a big fan for years. I still run back “scattered thoughts Vol.1”. I still get a pump to “dope little boy”. I want to say thank you for getting me through those broke times and hard times. Those struggles, I swear you always have perfect timing, I’m trying to get through some heavy stuff right now and sure enough you have perfect timing for a comeback. Just like that Cudi verse your music is the “soundtrack to my life”. My Pops is also a big fan we would bump you on car rides when I was having same hard days. Thank you for the motivation and thank you for not giving up because that’s something I won’t do either. Glad to have you back big dawg….
No more mystery