@User12261990 its a bad day to be high grass with those bad boys strapped to yo dogs. #cutthatgrass

The "Suffocate" SnippetYoooooo I was OBSESSED with this and been looking for it foreverrrrrrr. I'd literally give my left nut for full version of this haha
snake scores -
Old unreleased tuneAnyone have a video saved of jon in the studio pumping out a magical song. Never released it and to be honest I can't really explain how it went all I know is the harmonies were absolutely ridiculous.
Making Ofs@User12261990 at this point I'd be willing to cancel my disney plus to pay for a bellion subscription lmao
Where is everyone from? -
Beautiful mind hat simulation -
When did you discover Jon?2007 I went to school with him. Had a few classes with him but never really talked. I was a loser in high school haha
Sachem alumni?!? Anyone? Anyone?Sup yall, I went to sachem with jon. Never really hung out but he helped me get started making tunes and been at it ever since. Changed my life. Anyone else here from sachem?
Snake Score -
What do you want to dive in onI'd love to see a production category! Place where other producers can maybe link up make some tunes together and chat! Also, j think I speak for everyone and would absolutely love to see a category of all unreleased tracks you've made! Let's goooooooo!!
COME ON IN YA FILTHY ANIMALSFeel like I'm back in high school when jon used to send us emails with new chunesssss! Haha so excited!!!
WOOOHOOOOAre you open to receiving beats. Been making beats for a while now (you actually helped me back in the sachem days get started! (Doubt you remember me) haha. I have tons of dead beats i couldn't work with! Would love to give them to you! Maybe spark an idea or something!