We casually noticed Jon pushing a shopping cart…through a very busy store and we Immediately recognized him! I opened with a corny line saying something like “You didn’t think you could go unnoticed around here did you?” He chuckled! So nice, so down to earth…asked my name and my daughter’s name and SHOOK OUR HANDS! Felt like we were talking to an old friend…still can’t believe we were in the presence of greatness! We’ve seen you live a bunch of times and loved the covid live stream! If you see this Jon, we are still in disbelief!! Thanks for being so kind!! Sending 🫶
from Sayville!!

BUMPED INTO JON @ A GROCERY STORE YESTERDAY!@GabbyW0205 he did tell us when his single will drop…look at his “pinned” posts for a clue!
BUMPED INTO JON @ A GROCERY STORE YESTERDAY!@User12261990 Hey!! You are so welcome! We know how much you value your privacy and we appreciated the time you spent with us!! Thank you for being so chill! Next Saturday, Trader Joe’s?!?
BUMPED INTO JON @ A GROCERY STORE YESTERDAY!@lucyhamman I still can not believe it! We know he is a private guy…did not want to ask for a picture with him… we were so appreciative he spoke with us!!
BUMPED INTO JON @ A GROCERY STORE YESTERDAY!@alltimelowlowlow what was your experience? And where? I imagine sightings are rare…I mean Long Islsnd is small and it took us this long to run into him!! lol
BUMPED INTO JON @ A GROCERY STORE YESTERDAY!@LuvJB85 Yes!! Horrible….heard they might have been set intentionally…its a bit East and on the south shore…I heard 2 businesses and 1 house were effected but it’s mostly in the pine barrens area around a major highway….the high winds we’ve been having are not helping!! Thankful for our volunteer firefighters!! Over 80 departments have responded!!