@User12261990 So Excited!! I cannot wait!
Italian Pharaoh@Isaac Yeah I'd loveee something like that to happen, create a realllyyyy good masterpiece out of it.
WOOOHOOOO@User12261990 I just want to say you've changed my life and how I listen to music Jon. It's been 10 years since I first heard a song from you and you 've been my favorite ever since. You got me through some really hard times, so I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart! That being said, as a Christian myself I really love the biblical philosophies you incorporate into your songs. Would we be able to expect the same in the upcoming songs/albums? Maybe even a more gospel faith based song about your walk with Christ?
Italian PharaohI personally want him to officially release the "1990" Demo so I can have it on Spotify!