@KaylaMcIntyre why else would he take it down from streaming?
Why Kid Again was taken down... I think -
Why Kid Again was taken down... I thinkFor those wondering... I believe the version of Kid Again that we got a few months back was before the album was being professionally mixed and mastered. A lot of people noticed the mix was a little rough and so I'm hoping this means the album will bring a refreshed version. Imagine that last chorus with all the strings and choir having room to breathe. It's gonna be fire.
LOADING :)He really said "GUYS ITS FINALLY HAPPENING" and then went silent for a week
LOADING :)@User12261990 I'm tired of being edged like this bro
Music Creation and Sharing Category@Zeonder you are on top of every message that gets posted on here. Your devotion is wild.
Music Creation and Sharing CategoryIt might be cool to have a category for people to share music they've made. I feel like Jon attracts a lot of musicians as fans and I'd love to share my music with people who clearly have good taste.
Clipping on Kid Again@mannyp10 ok I’m glad I’m not just going crazy over nothing lol
Clipping on Kid AgainI love Kid Again but there are multiple times that I hear clipping on the record. I'm wondering if this is intentional or not. Like maybe its just distortion added to make it more rough or "loud" sounding.
6 years...When GSP came out I was 14. I'm now 20 and still find myself going back to that album. It's aged like fine wine. It's just crazy to me that I'm now a full ass adult and still waiting for the next Jon album.
Live @ City Cove ConcertWould you ever be able to release the songs from the virtual concert? I have a shitty mp3 version saved on my computer but would love the full quality on streaming platforms