I’m hoping it’s as deep or deeper than GSP. To this day I’m still picking up new sounds off that album and finding new meaning behind the lyrics and instrumentals so I’d love it to be similar in that way.

italian stallion
How do you guys think the new album is gonna sound like? -
How we holding up?I mainly only listen to what Jon has produced/written. I don’t really consume anything else besides some oldies like bill withers or Sam Cooke. The few songs he produced for FLETCHER are really good. Also listening to the leaked face 2 face song that he features on by kid laroi
Do you still cook?@User12261990 does it have any similarity with Break these walls that you wrote for Imua Garza and Kamu?
When ya’ll think new album is coming?@FrankieFeelsIt if he released something tonight I’d shit a brick
When ya’ll think new album is coming?Bro idk. Jon’s a cryptic mother fucker. He could drop something tonight or not drop anything for another month
guess that song...Pre-occupied. I was singing in it the Superman gift and the curse flow so it through me off for a second lol
LOADING :)Hmmm it’s not pinned anymore
MR BELLION... explain!@Kinnertr0n said in MR BELLION... explain!:
Does anybody know the name of that specific spot in Iceland?
Ok I think the place is called the Reykjanestá Cliffs.
MR BELLION... explain!@Kinnertr0n said in MR BELLION... explain!:
Does anybody know the name of that specific spot in Iceland?
Someone get geo wizard on here I bet he can find where it is
Songs that Jon has worked onMy sister is a big k-pop fan and she was listening to who by jimin when I walked in the house. I immediately said check the credits on that and I bet you Jon produced that. She asked me how I knew and I said when you listen to the same voice everyday for 10 years you kinda start to recognize it pretty easy lol
What you guys do for a living?Kinda curious on what everyone does for a living besides listening to Jon all day lol. I’ll go first. I’m an auto body technician so all I do is fix cars for 10 hours a day. Enjoy the work but hate the system and environment. I also buy and fix cars to flip them.
Some real confusing lyricsIt kinda sounds like he was just filling in the chorus with random sounds but never really made lyrics for it. Kinda like he did with Fallen
Cookin' minestron' every Sunday, call that a souperstitionI wonder if he’s gonna do what he did with meant to live and just drop it outta nowhere
Crafted a BM ChainMan this is ill I love it
Group chat-what’s your go to song of Jon’s right now?@Isaac said in Group chat-what’s your go to song of Jon’s right now?:
All unreleased haha, but definitely Tangled Webs, Face 2 Face with Kid Laroi, and Crop Circles acoustic
Bro!! I never heard of face to face and I thought I’d found all the major unreleased stuff. This is so good
LOADING :)An interview with Jon I’m watching again. Go to the 9:00 mark on the video. Full circle
https://youtu.be/3YMDPyAVX3o?si=YsK6zAHciWv8tEz_ -
LOADING :)Just had a dream last night that the album dropped and I was so happy. There was only like 4 songs on it for some reason but they all slapped. Then I woke up
What do you want to dive in on@sethephur said in What do you want to dive in on:
@italian-stallion can you link the video?
What do you want to dive in on@User12261990 said in What do you want to dive in on:
@Snooze the entire ending track on the album is a rip off a sauna building YouTube video. Hhahahaahahahaha I’m excited to reference all the samples.
Is it from the Drew builds stuff channel? Because the ending of that video sounds veryyyyyy Jon Bellion
How will you be listeningProbably gonna listen to it in my truck. That way no one will see me crying