@mishaja me personally I do hehe and OH i love that lyric so much u ate

beautiful mind tattoos anyone? -
beautiful mind tattoos anyone?I hope jon knows that half of this forum has beautiful mind tattooed on themselves- in the clerb we all fam
europe tour??? -
thank you jonlast time I got to talk to u was in 2019 and ever since then the beautiful mind fam has been on my side during ur 6 year hiatus. weve sticked around, made friends, enjoyed ur music, came up w theories and simply appreciated u as a person and as a musician/artist. im so happy that u took time to find urself and spent time w ur loved ones. the wait was so worth it, seeing u grow and happy made it all worth it so thank you for returning stronger than ever and giving us a second family thru the beautiful mind fam. we missed u dearly jon and cannot wait to see what uve been cooking up. we all KNOW were down for a crazy ride. just wanna say thank you 🤍
snake scoresnow how do yall manage to get THAT many scores i swear im struggling so bad @User12261990 do u wanna also send stuff to those who are real bad at it LMAO
Who has talked to Jon?I did! I asked him about his creative process and he explained it in so much detail I absolutely loved talking to him
Long Island / NY Fan Meetup?@catkeleghan help i didn’t even know we can upvote on here LMAO im so new to this gotta get used to it 🤭 THANK YOU JON FOR CONNECTING ALL OF US AGAIN
Long Island / NY Fan Meetup?cat id literally travel overseas for that im not even kidding i think we as a society deserve a night like this and i think that jon would love that too!
What Is Your Favorite Jon Bellion Song?this is cruel how dare u make us pick a favorite child when they’re ALL our favourites this is UNFAIR
jon bellion on tour?